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Champaign, OH:  Thursday Pick Up!

Good morning!!

Just a note to those that ordered from this week’s market!!

I will once again watch for you to pull up for your orders, from inside the shop!!

Not only avoiding the sun, but also this smoky air quality!!

So, I will be watching, and bringing your orders to you! Just be patient!!

All the love,
Cosmic Pam

Frontier Farms:  Good thursday morning!!

Yep.. got busy again yesterday.

Yep.. got busy again yesterday.

Foothills Market:  Market Reminder

Foothills Market still has plenty of your favorite summer vegetables on the market this week. Beans, squash, cucumbers, onions, plus locally-grown ground beef for the grill on July 4th – you can load up!

Place your order between now and 5:00 p.m., and we’ll have it ready for pickup tomorrow afternoon.

Old99Farm Market:  Egg cartons alert: needed urgently

Addenda to notice this week,
we’re out of egg cartons and it’s something everybody loves to recycle.
so ask your neighbours please, could they collect egg cartons for you?
Then you can bring in when you come for veggie or meat or eggs! will have a surprise veggie for you!


Martin's Farmstand:  Weblog Entry

We will open for u-pick strawberries this afternoon June 28, 2023 at 2 pm. No morning picking today. We are coming toward the late part of peak strawberry season. Today has the potential to be the peak picking of the year. The berries are ripening fast now but they are mostly small so containers fill slowly this year. I expect the patch will go to gleaning status at some point next week. The first of the red raspberries are ready to pick. They are available on a first come basis during normal strawberry u-pick times. After strawberry season the raspberries will be available for u-pick on a first come basis on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday starting @ 10 am. The field zucchini season has begun.They are available at normal summer prices. We are picking the first of the peas. Greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers are at their peak production and this abundant moisure makes really nice lettuce. Picked strawberries are still extreemly scarce. The black raspberries are still 2 weeks out- the plants have a wonderful fruit set like a seed catalogue picture and with the rain it has the potential to be one of the biggest crops ever. Blueberry fruit set is also excellent. Daniel

Old99Farm Market:  Old 99 Farm, week of June 25 2023

We’re getting more and more crops planted, new ones and successions of favorites like carrots, arugula, lettuce and beets.

Here’s me with my favorite cow, Christie, in the golfcart this morning!

You can get garlic scapes this week, ready for making garlic arugula pesto, or just cooking with garlic flavour.

I’m open to a few more Summer Harvest basket subscriptions at $32 per week. You get 8 to 10 veggies with options and a dozen eggs. Sign up here.

Crops this week: Rainbow chard, Tiara and Savoy cabbages, Tokyo Bekana chinese cabbage, beets, green onions, baby fennel, green garlic and scapes, baby lettuce mix, rhubarb, asparagus, carrots, collards, cabbage collards, leeks, and herbs. Surf to the online store here to place your order. Store pick up Thurs 4 to 6 or by arrangement.

Healthy eating
Ian, Cami and Adam

Here’s my suggested webblog for the week:, for a global scan the the truly important headlines.

Fayetteville Farmers' Market:  Yes one more email but some new items added


Sunny Acres just added: cabbage, garlic scapes, collard greens, kales, rainbow carrots, celery, purple top turnips and herbs.

And if you haven’t checked yet, other growers still have vegies available.

You can still order until 6 am Wed.
If you already ordered and want to add more—just go ahead. Everything will be added together in one and your card will only be charged once on Thursday after you have picked up.

Thank you!

Grumpy Goat:  Today’s veggie offerings at the farm store!

Come shop the farm store this afternoon 2-6:30. Fresh picked beets, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, kale, fava beans, kohlrabi, garlic scapes, basil, parsley , sage, dill, spearmint, thyme, oregano .

We are planning to take next Tuesday off to celebrate July 4th. You are still more than welcome to swing in for your eggs, milk , syrup but we will not be picking veggies so plan on getting your shopping done today or Friday at the farm of visit us at the Sidney Farmers Market Saturday morning!

Statesboro Market2Go:  Order Before 10pm!

Now’s your chance to stock up on goodies for the 4th of July!

Once you’ve secured your classic favorites like burger patties, chicken, and sausages, why not add a pop of color to your cookout?

Get some burger boosters like:

  • Ketchup
  • Onions
  • Goat cheese
  • Pickled veggies
  • Fresh herbs
  • Microgreens
  • Lettuce
  • Peppers
  • And tomatoes

And you can take it a step further with some vibrant vegan vittles, like:

Click to order at Market2Go!

Champaign, OH:  Tuesday Wake Up Call!

Hello, good morning, it’s Tuesday, and that means it’s market order day to get all of your orders in!! Pronto!!

8am…don’t miss out!!

Cosmic Pam