The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Russellville Community Market: Weblog Entry

Welcome to another RCM Market Week!
Be sure to check out the newly listed items this week! Lots of great, local products to be had!
Happy shopping! Eat Local!
Check out the “Featured Items” section as well as the “What’s New” section at the top of the market page for all the latest products available.
Be sure to “Like” our Facebook page for updates and food-related events in your community!
To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. Remember, you have until 10:00pm Tuesday evening to place your orders.
Happy Shopping! See you on Thursday!
Stones River Market: The Market is Back Open - Happy Easter and Passover
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
The Market is back open this chilly morning with a wide variety of locally grown and made products. Healthy Harvest Bread is having to take a short break. Hopefully they will return soon.
Alfresco Pasta continues to add products to the list of items. This week there are some cheese dips. You will find them under Cold Salads and Dips.
Now is the time to start planning your perennial and annual garden, Dogwood Valley Greenhouse has a variety of plants for you.
From Sean with Nuance Coffee and Tea:
Nuance Coffee & Tea has added several new teas to their offerings this week. They are: Strawberry Kiwi Fruit and Herb, Balinese Rainbow Jasmine Green, Pinhead Gunpowder Green, Moroccan Mint Green, and Irish Breakfast Black tea. Japan Genmaicha “popcorn” tea, Earl Grey Crèam Black tea and Hazelnut Caramel Creme Rooibos are now back in stock as well. Enjoy!
There are plenty of other products available this week. Browse the categories to see what your will find.
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Thanks so much for your support of Stones River Market, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it. We’ll see you on Wednesday at Southern Stained Glass at 310 West Main Street from 5:00 to 6: 30 pm!
Please, share your recipes with us on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Stones River Market products, so we can try it too!
I am taking a break from recipes. Look for them to return soon.
I thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
See the complete list of products at
The Wednesday Market: Happy Easter! Remember to Order
Good morning, and Happy Easter!
The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your orders by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 3 and 6 p.m. Wednesday. Please check the website for all of this week’s product listings. Here is the link:
Thank you for your support of locally grown agriculture and for choosing to purchase locally.
We’ll see you at The Market!
United States Virgin Islands: This Week in VI Locally Grown,
I hope you all have enjoyed the new items we have been bringing to the market. This week we will have even more new goodies like watermelon, parsley, and carrots. Yum!
We are considering moving the market to Tuesdays at the same time and we are definitely opening a Saturday morning market, which initially will just be non-preorders as we coordinate with our growers. We are trying to make things more convenient for you all. What are your thoughts about these options?
Also, to help grow the market I’m adding a referral bonus. If you bring a friend to the market who has never been with us before, I’ll give you 10% off both of your produce (R2R produce) at checkout, Yay!
Thanks for your continued support!
McColloms Market: Goose Eggs Now Available
Hi All and Happy Easter!
I just wanted you to know that Beth from Rehoboth has just added goose eggs to this month’s Market Offering. This is probably the only month they’ll be available as they don’t lay many or for long.
The Market is open until tomorrow evening (Monday) at 5ish.
(518) 354-0202
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown: Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers' Market - It's Time to Order
Manchester Locally Grown Farmers’ Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook: Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail:
By phone: (931) 273-9708
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.
Good morning to you, our friends!
Welcome to another week of shopping at Manchester Locally Grown online farmers’ market. The market will be open for ordering until Tuesday at 10 pm, and pickup will be on Thursday from 3:00 till 4:30. This year-round online farmers’ market offers eggs, herbal products, local honey, vegetables & greens, live plants, and pork products, all produced on local farms. We appreciate your support of your friends and neighbors who have grown and produced these items.
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(L to R) Honey from Steve’s Bees; Dianthus, Astrantia and Creeping Phlox Plants from Dogwood Valley Greenhouse; and Lavender-Vanilla Bar Soap from Solace Farm.
Ordering will be open until Tuesday at 10 p.m., and your order will be available for pickup on Thursday between 3:00 and 4:30 at Square Books, 113 East Main Street, Manchester. We can also hold your order in the refrigerator till Friday, if it’s more convenient for you to pick it up then. If you prefer to utilize this free service, please make a note on your order or call my cell at (931) 273-9708.
Thanks so much for your support of Manchester Locally Grown Market, all of our growers, local food, and our right to eat it. Please encourage our local farmers by helping to spread the word about our wonderful market to everyone you know. Nothing makes a farmer more excited than seeing new customers on the market!
Siloam Springs, AR: Online Market is Open!
Be sure to check out all the new products listed online. Skopp Bakery has new jams listed under processed foods and jams, as well as some herbs and a few baked goods listed. Opossum Hollow has cage free/non-gmo eggs as well as an ever growing list of greens and herbs. R Family Farm has re-stocked their beef and pork products. J.D. Hudson Farms has a few new products as well. East Side Acres has eggs for sale. The Bread Basket and Susi’s Kitchen have lots of tasty baked goods. The Bread Basket also carries local, raw honey from Sipes Busy Bee. Abbie Kim makes some beautiful dolls and other gift items. Roca Baby Candy has some awesome almond roca! We still have some of those nice market bags with the Buy Fresh Buy Local logo for sale as well.
Don’t forget to stock up on Create 4 Good products as Melissa is taking a break from the market once we open up in the park. You will still be able to contact her directly to order if you need to though.
All of our winter Double Dollar funds have been distributed. We are hoping to receive more mid-summer.
Enjoy shopping this week!
Heirloom Living Market Lilburn: Please Read - Market Update!
Market Closes at 8:00pm Monday!
Whether you are celebrating Easter or Passover, I wish you and yours blessings and love.
Thank you to those who have already placed orders!
Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to provide you with what you want from the local Farmers/Growers and Producers; but, please understand that Buying Local means supporting those who are committed to providing ‘Local’!
Thanks go out to Marie Wheeler of Bakery on Brooks who helped with Market 2 weeks ago and to Bethe Munn who, stepped up to help with Market pickup this past week! I cannot run this Market without the help of Volunteers – please consider working at Market pickup once a month! Contact me at 404-432-4337.
Sunday, March 29th, was the annual Grow Your Own Food Festival at the Gwinnett Environmental and Heritage Center! There were local vendors selling local wares, informative presentations by locals Farmers, demonstrations and plenty of activities that were both fun and educational for both children and adults. Dabrielle and Bruce Wills of My Daily Bread had a table next to ours and Dabrielle was also a “Presenter” and taught a short class on “Grinding Your Own Grains”. Jay and Patti Parsons were also in attendance and had a wonderful display of their Honey, pure Beeswax Candles and their Natural Honey Skin and Bath Products.
Sarah Rockey and Kathy Barnes were most helpful in sharing our Market information with folks and answering questions. We met many new friends and hope they will join us in our Market family!
Market Tidbits…
Greg Hutchins of Heritage Farm made a trip up to Lexington, KY after he delivered our Market orders last Thursday. Although he had planned on making the trip earlier in the week, he and the family were sick and it had to be delayed. Your items that were pre-ordered will be delivered this Thursday. If you ordered any of the new Amish Products last week – which include Scrapple, Noodles or Cereal, they were removed from your order. Please re-order those items this week. Greg picked them up on his trip. Greg is adamant about quality both in the growing and in the processing of his grass-fed meat. While utilizing the processor in Kentucky adds many hours to his journey, he is willing to ‘go the extra mile’ for the quality of product and service they provide. When Greg came back to the Market about 4 months ago, the Bacon that was available was from the current processor. The taste as well as the cut of the bacon is awesome. Be sure and put some in your cart this week. I am also looking forward to trying some of the Sweet Italian Sausage!
Don’t forget, Turkeys are available for Pre-Order and average about 15#‘s. There is a limited number available, so if you like Turkey… Not all of the Turkeys that are getting fat and sassy will be offered as whole birds. Greg has plans to offer Ground Turkey and make the bones available for purchase. I am imagining lots of Turkey Bone Broth in my future!
Burnell Farms is going strong bringing us some great winter veggies! Several weeks ago they added Hibiscus Flowers, (great for drying and making Hibiscus Tea), Fennel, Kohlrabi and ’Cheddar’ Cauliflower. The beautiful and delicious ‘Violet Queen’ Cauliflower is available! Burnell Farms also offers: Brussel Sprouts, Broccoli, several Lettuce varieties, ‘Savoy’ Cabbage, Swiss Chard, Collard Greens, Fennel,several types of Kale, Spinach and those awesome little Cream Potatoes!
Vicky, Steve and Matt Fry of Fry Farm have gorgeous and delicious ‘Red Kitten’ Spinach and Rutabagas! I have always roasted the Rutabagas but Vicky suggested boiling them and mashing them! Be sure and boil until just tender in an ‘open’ pot. Placing a lid on the pan will trap in gases that will take away some of the great flavor!. Drain and mash with salt, pepper, garlic and butter! Great alternative to potatoes. Rutabagas contain high levels of antioxidants, Vitamin C, Potassium and Zinc. Rutabaga is really a cruciferous veggie. It includes phytochemicals which eliminate carcinogens in the body as well as assisting the liver in processing harmful toxins. Delicious and good for you ~ Definitely a ‘win-win’!
I have spoken with Doug of Doug’s Garden who is busy, busy, busy training new helpers, getting seedlings planted and starting to harvest some items! Items will first appear on the Lilburn Market but will be available at Crossfit and Hamilton Mill very soon! This week Spinach and Bluebell Plants are available on all Markets!
Bluebells are one of my favorite plants and Doug’s Mountain Bells are exceptional! Although I am a Texas-Bluebell-kind-of-girl, (owing to the fact I am from the Lone Star State), I love the beauty and symmetry of Mountain (Blue)Bells! The picture was taken by Doug in his garden. Impressive!
When adding Mountain Bells or any other woodland perennials to your landscape, always plant them with companions that can take over when the early spring plants lose their luster. It’s important to have a multi-layered garden to keep year-round interest. Hostas, for instance, will just begin to shine by the time these bluebells are done.
Need Heirloom/non-GMO seedlings? The Veggie Patch has got you covered. Choose from their offerings of Herb Seedlings, Fruit Seedlings or Veggie Seedlings and plan for a successful and abundant harvest! Also check out their Veggie offerings!
Don’t forget to check out all of the Organic Baked Goods from Dabrielle of My Daily Bread. Have you tried her Sourdough Breads? Now is a good time because they are on Special this week! Order a sliced loaf or a round artisan loaf. Delicious! Makes great toast and croutons besides being a great sandwich bread. Be sure and get your order in before close of Market! Dabrielle uses organic ingredients to make her breads, cookies, sweet breads, muffins, jams and jellies.
Marie of Bakery on Brooks bakes Organic, Gluten-Free Breads, Cornbreads, Sweet Breads and Cookies for us. She is constantly experimenting with new items and this week you will see her Gluten-Free Butter Cake on the Farmers’ Sale Table. This cake is buttery and beyond wonderful! It’s not listed on the Market quite yet, so you will need to grab one from the Table! Get there early – they will go FAST! Could Gluten-Free Cinnamon Rolls be in our future?
Kathy Barnes of So-Koi and the Coordinator of the Lilburn Market has added Organic Ceylon Cinnamon to her offerings. Ceylon Cinnamon (sticks or freshly ground) is the highest quality and best tasting Cinnamon available! It has a delicate, sweet and complex flavor not found in the common Cassia Cinnamon. Kathy also offers Einkorn Grain (berries or freshly ground) and Redmond’s Real Salt.
Check your Grocery List and get your orders in before 8:00pm Monday for delivery on Thursday!
Burnell Farms
Doug’s Garden
Fry Farm
The Veggie Patch
Cedar Rock Dairy (Cow)
Little Tots Estate (Goat)
Rocky Acres
Golden Farms
Little Tots Estate (Organic, Soy Free, pastured chickens) on Farmers’ Sale Table only
Bakery on Brooks (Gluten Free/Organic)
My Daily Bread (Organic)
Grass Fed Meats
Carrell Farms
Heritage Farm
Cedar Seeder
Natural Products
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Low Low Knows Bones
Handmade Items
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Peacefield Farm
My Daily Bread
Markets close at 8:00pm Monday. Please remember that minimums must be met for each Market to ensure delivery by our Farmers! Be sure and get your order in and thank you for supporting our LOCAL Farmers!
Pickup at Crossfit Market
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm (later by appt only!)
Pickup Location: Crossfit O-Zone
519 Hurricane Shoals Road NE
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30 – 4:30pm
Pickup Location:
Hamilton Mill Community Clubhouse
1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location: All Saints Lutheran Church
722 Rockbridge Road, SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
Azure Standard
Azure Standard Order Deadline: Tuesday April 21st 6:00pm
Azure Standard Pickup Date: Monday, April 27th at 11:45am
Pickup Location: 963 Buford Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Drop #: 796431 Route: Q5
Drop Name: Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville
Drop Coordinator: Maryanne Vaeth
Contact Information: Email Drop Coordinator
Phone: 404-432-4337
This Group on Facebook will keep you up to date on the “happenings” with this service!
Azure Standard Lawrenceville Drop Information: My Azure Standard Drop Lawrenceville
Please “Like” us on Facebook and please share the Market with family and friends!
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Heirloom Living Market Hamilton Mill: Market Tidbits - Please Read
Market Closes at 8:00pm Monday!
Whether you are celebrating Passover or Easter, I wish you and yours blessings and love.
Thank you to those who have already placed orders!
Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to provide you with what you want from the local Farmers/Growers and Producers; but, please understand that Buying Local means supporting those who are committed to providing ‘Local’!
Thanks go out to Marie Wheeler of Bakery on Brooks who helped with Market 2 weeks ago and to Bethe Munn who, stepped up to help with Market pickup this past week! I cannot run this Market without the help of Volunteers – please consider working at Market pickup once a month! Contact me at 404-432-4337.
Sunday, March 29th, was the annual Grow Your Own Food Festival at the Gwinnett Environmental and Heritage Center! There were local vendors selling local wares, informative presentations by locals Farmers, demonstrations and plenty of activities that were both fun and educational for both children and adults. Dabrielle and Bruce Wills of My Daily Bread had a table next to ours and Dabrielle was also a “Presenter” and taught a short class on “Grinding Your Own Grains”. Jay and Patti Parsons were also in attendance and had a wonderful display of their Honey, pure Beeswax Candles and their Natural Honey Skin and Bath Products.
Sarah Rockey and Kathy Barnes were most helpful in sharing our Market information with folks and answering questions. I am grateful for their passion, dedication and friendship. We met many new friends and hope they will join us in our Market family!
Market Tidbits…
Greg Hutchins of Heritage Farm made a trip up to Lexington, KY after he delivered our Market orders last Thursday. Although he had planned on making the trip earlier in the week, he and the family were sick and it had to be delayed. Your items that were pre-ordered will be delivered this Thursday. If you ordered any of the new Amish Products last week – which include Scrapple, Noodles or Cereal, they were removed from your order. Please re-order those items this week. Greg picked them up on his trip. Greg is adamant about quality both in the growing and in the processing of his grass-fed meat. While utilizing the processor in Kentucky adds many hours to his journey, he is willing to ‘go the extra mile’ for the quality of product and service they provide. When Greg came back to the Market about 4 months ago, the Bacon that was available was from the current processor. The taste as well as the cut of the bacon is awesome. Be sure and put some in your cart this week. I am also looking forward to trying some of the Sweet Italian Sausage!
Don’t forget, Turkeys are available for Pre-Order and average about 15#‘s. There is a limited number available, so if you like Turkey… Not all of the Turkeys that are getting fat and sassy will be offered as whole birds. Greg has plans to offer Ground Turkey and make the bones available for purchase. I am imagining lots of Turkey Bone Broth in my future!
Burnell Farms is going strong bringing us some great winter veggies! Several weeks ago they added Hibiscus Flowers, (great for drying and making Hibiscus Tea), Fennel, Kohlrabi and ’Cheddar’ Cauliflower. The beautiful and delicious ‘Violet Queen’ Cauliflower is available! Burnell Farms also offers: Brussel Sprouts, Broccoli, several Lettuce varieties, ‘Savoy’ Cabbage, Swiss Chard, Collard Greens, Fennel,several types of Kale, Spinach and those awesome little Cream Potatoes!
Vicky, Steve and Matt Fry of Fry Farm have gorgeous and delicious ‘Red Kitten’ Spinach and Rutabagas! I have always roasted the Rutabagas but Vicky suggested boiling them and mashing them! Be sure and boil until just tender in an ‘open’ pot. Placing a lid on the pan will trap in gases that will take away some of the great flavor!. Drain and mash with salt, pepper, garlic and butter! Great alternative to potatoes. Rutabagas contain high levels of antioxidants, Vitamin C, Potassium and Zinc. Rutabaga is really a cruciferous veggie. It includes phytochemicals which eliminate carcinogens in the body as well as assisting the liver in processing harmful toxins. Delicious and good for you ~ Definitely a ‘win-win’!
I have spoken with Doug of Doug’s Garden who is busy, busy, busy training new helpers, getting seedlings planted and starting to harvest some items! Items will first appear on the Lilburn Market but will be available at Crossfit and Hamilton Mill very soon! This week Spinach and Bluebell Plants are available on all Markets!
Bluebells are one of my favorite plants and Doug’s Mountain Bells are exceptional! Although I am a Texas-Bluebell-kind-of-girl, (owing to the fact I am from the Lone Star State), I love the beauty and symmetry of Mountain (Blue)Bells! The picture was taken by Doug in his garden. Impressive!
When adding Mountain Bells or any other woodland perennials to your landscape, always plant them with companions that can take over when the early spring plants lose their luster. It’s important to have a multi-layered garden to keep year-round interest. Hostas, for instance, will just begin to shine by the time these bluebells are done.
Need Heirloom/non-GMO seedlings? The Veggie Patch has got you covered. Choose from their offerings of Herb Seedlings, Fruit Seedlings or Veggie Seedlings and plan for a successful and abundant harvest! Also check out their Veggie offerings!
Don’t forget to check out all of the Organic Baked Goods from Dabrielle of My Daily Bread. Have you tried her Sourdough Breads? Now is a good time because they are on Special this week! Order a sliced loaf or a round artisan loaf. Delicious! Makes great toast and croutons besides being a great sandwich bread. Be sure and get your order in before close of Market! Dabrielle uses organic ingredients to make her breads, cookies, sweet breads, muffins, jams and jellies.
Marie of Bakery on Brooks bakes Organic, Gluten-Free Breads, Cornbreads, Sweet Breads and Cookies for us. She is constantly experimenting with new items and this week you will see her Gluten-Free Butter Cake on the Farmers’ Sale Table. This cake is buttery and beyond wonderful! It’s not listed on the Market quite yet, so you will need to grab one from the Table! Get there early – they will go FAST! Could Gluten-Free Cinnamon Rolls be in our future?
Kathy Barnes of So-Koi and the Coordinator of the Lilburn Market has added Organic Ceylon Cinnamon to her offerings. Ceylon Cinnamon (sticks or freshly ground) is the highest quality and best tasting Cinnamon available! It has a delicate, sweet and complex flavor not found in the common Cassia Cinnamon. Kathy also offers Einkorn Grain (berries or freshly ground) and Redmond’s Real Salt.
Check your Grocery List and get your orders in before 8:00pm Monday for delivery on Thursday!
Burnell Farms
Doug’s Garden
Fry Farm
The Veggie Patch
Cedar Rock Dairy (Cow)
Little Tots Estate (Goat)
Rocky Acres
Golden Farms
Little Tots Estate (Organic, Soy Free, pastured chickens) on Farmers’ Sale Table only
Bakery on Brooks (Gluten Free/Organic)
My Daily Bread (Organic)
Grass Fed Meats
Carrell Farms
Heritage Farm
Cedar Seeder
Natural Products
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Low Low Knows Bones
Handmade Items
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Peacefield Farm
My Daily Bread
Markets close at 8:00pm Monday. Please remember that minimums must be met for each Market to ensure delivery by our Farmers! Be sure and get your order in and thank you for supporting our LOCAL Farmers!
Pickup at Crossfit Market
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm (later by appt only!)
Pickup Location: Crossfit O-Zone
519 Hurricane Shoals Road NE
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30 – 4:30pm
Pickup Location:
Hamilton Mill Community Clubhouse
1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location: All Saints Lutheran Church
722 Rockbridge Road, SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
Azure Standard
Azure Standard Order Deadline: Tuesday April 21st 6:00pm
Azure Standard Pickup Date: Monday, April 27th at 11:45am
Pickup Location: 963 Buford Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Drop #: 796431 Route: Q5
Drop Name: Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville
Drop Coordinator: Maryanne Vaeth
Contact Information: Email Drop Coordinator
Phone: 404-432-4337
This Group on Facebook will keep you up to date on the “happenings” with this service!
Azure Standard Lawrenceville Drop Information: My Azure Standard Drop Lawrenceville
Please “Like” us on Facebook and please share the Market with family and friends!
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
South Cumberland Farmer's Market: Time to Order Local Food!

It’s time to order from the South Cumberland Farmers’ Market
click here to go directly to the marketpage
To Contact Us
South Cumberland Farmers’ Market
931-592-3399 (no voice mail)
Market News
New this week on the market is our ground pork and sausage special. They are both listed at FIVE 1-lb. packages for $20.00. That’s just $4.00 per pound for NON-GMO-fed, pasture-raised pork! Order them before they’re gone!-———————————————————————————————————————————————————-
Tuesday will be your chance to see the new lotions and lip balms from Brown’s Hollar Creations. They are made from natural products, her own beeswax, cocoa butter, oils and scents. Stop by the kitchen and see what she has to offer!-———————————————————————————————————————————————————-
For a limited time only, we are offering lean ground beef in a bulk package of 5.5+ pounds for $27.45. That’s $4.99 per pound! You get the same great beef but at a better “limited time” price!!-———————————————————————————————————————————————————-
BROWN’S HOLLAR CREATIONS will be bringing extra eggs this week to the market. They will be in the cooler and you may leave your money there in the envelope.-————————————————————————————————————————————————————
We are pleased to announce that the CFM is once again able to process EBT cards.-————————————————————————————————————————————————————-
If you would like your market order delivered, please contact Rachel Lynch. E-mail: or phone 931-598-0774.
Payment of all CFM orders MUST be made in advance of Tuesday’s delivery. Checks must be mailed in time to be posted to customer accounts before closing of market ordering on Monday. Mail checks made out to CFM to Kir Strobel, 744 Timberwood Trace, Monteagle, TN 37356.-———————————————————————————————————————————————————
Before you order, be sure you see the little shopping cart. If you do not, log out and log in again. If this fails, turn off your computer completely and start again. This includes ordering from smart phones.
If you want to leave a comment for a grower, be sure to put it in the “Leave comment for grower” area in RED beneath the item you’re ordering. Placing comments in the market manager section will not be seen by the growers.-————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Don’t forget…
If you do not receive an order confirmation within 5 minutes, your order has NOT been placed in the system. E-MAIL OR CALL US to get the problem solved so you will not be disappointed on market day.
Please remember the market closes at 10 a.m. on Monday; therefore, your order must be completed and placed, and you should be signed out of the software.-————————————————————————————————————————————————————
If you have any questions, please call (931.592.3399, no voice mail) or e-mail ( us.
Kir Strobel & Linda Boynton
Market Co-Managers
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There is plenty more available so take your time and check out the whole list.
Coming Events
Keep up to date with the CFM by visiting our organization’s blog. or our Facebook Page .
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!