The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Grumpy Goat: Weblog Entry
Thanks for everyone that took advantage of the egg sale. There are a few left in the store but you pretty much wiped us out so today is the last day of the sale. What is in the farm store is what we have. If you placed orders I have yours set aside for later this week.
Fingers crossed for slightly warmer weather soon!
Brassell’s Sprouts Market: The Market is Open!
Good morning!!! I hope you all stayed warm these past few days! Who is ready for spring?? ;)
The market is open! We have several new items added to the market this week. If you haven’t taken advantage of the “category” section on the left hand side of the market tab, you should try it out! It makes shopping a little easier.
Remember if you placed an order last week, pick up day is tomorrow. Same time and place.
Happy Wednesday!! Have a great day!
Northeast Georgia Locally Grown: Market is open for orders!
Locavores, Northeast Georgia Locally Grown is open for orders!
Go to the market >>
Pastured Meats
Cultured/Fermented Foods
Pastured Eggs
See All Products
Baked Goods with Organic Ingredients
Market is open Fridays at 9 p.m. through 9 p.m. Mondays!
Thank you for choosing Northeast Georgia Locally Grown as a way to support your local producers. This online farmers market allows you to buy directly from multiple farms committed to chemical-free and local produce all year long! CHEMICAL-FREE means produce and pastures grown without synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, or insecticides. LOCAL means within 80 miles from the market pickup locations (usually much much closer). Do you know someone who grows chemical-free food in the area? Get them in touch with us. Know someone who wants fresh food? Spread the word. Put the two together, and that’s growing organically!
PICKUP TIME is Wednesday from 5-6:30 p.m. in Clayton, Clarkesville, or Gainesville.
If you do not get an email ORDER CONFIRMATION after you finish the checkout process, then your order is NOT complete. Head back to the market page, and your order might still be there waiting for you to check out! If you have any trouble or questions at all, we are here to help; simply reply to this email.
Once you place an order, be on the lookout for the order reminder email on Wednesday with further pickup and payment notes. Thanks for your support!
Grumpy Goat: Brrrrrrrrrrr - Egg Sale!!!!!
It has been a chilly week on the farm as I am sure you are all struggling with as well. The critters are all snug in the barn but I know that they are dreaming of a day when the temp will hit 30 … or even 20 or 10 for that matter.
Due to the cold we moved all the eggs inside. I did put out some in the big fridge today (with a light on) in case people were coming to pick up. If the big fridge is empty please call the house phone for a refill 419-753-2531 or Matt’s phone 541-505-4494. Eggs this week (through next Tuesday or while supplies last) are $3/dozen. We’d like to move them (plus the fridge inside isn’t as big as the outside ones).
Also the Pac Choi row is still delicious so get your orders in for some homegrown winter greens. For the fresh greens, If you missed this weeks order, we can definitely put some out for you any other day. Just leave a note in the comments when you want to pick up. I’d love to see it get eaten! All orders will be placed in the big fridge this week to keep them from freezing.
We hope to have kale, arugula, and lettuce soon too if they all survive this cold snap. They are growing super slow at this point.Stay warm out there!
Lathemtown Farm Fresh Market: Conatiner Returns
Since I had a little help putting out orders and restocking coolers and container returns, I did not get a chance to see who to give return credits to. If you left some last Saturday, can you please send me a quick email saying you made retuns and I’ll add your credit!
Chef Amy
Lathemtown Farm Fresh Market: Market Open
Good morning from the farm! We are opening a day late this week because I was in Charlotte this weekend celebrating my Dad’s 80th birthday! Also, a shoutout to my hometown Buffalo Bills for their win :)
My entire family takes our Bills as serious as most folks do of ‘the Dawgs’ around here!
I’m back and have a French menu for you this week. Enjoy the deeply warm and comforting choices of soups and stews we have. Brown Bakehouse is back too!!!! And with a delightful surprise, she has new items!! Pizza dough and bagels are an addition to her regular offerings.
Stay warm this week! It looks like a frigid one!
Famrher Chef Amy
Yalaha, FL: Market Open
Remember you can always email or text me if you want to place an order and I forgot to open the Market. Often flexible here though not always predictable.
If you Want to pick up the order at the Chillax Drum Circle in the Villages Sunday Afternoons, just let me know so I can bring it along. If you are with a homeschool group or other facebook group I attend regularly, Let me know so I can plan accordingly. Otherwise when ordering, remember to let me know when you want to come pick up at the farm. If I don’t email you back to confirm, the order may not have gone through. To make an order you must be signed in, and you add products to your cart individually and then to check out you must go to your cart (Left side of screen near the top of the Market page) to do the check out and actually place the order.
The regular ordering window is now (as in whenever I open the Market) through Thursday 8am for Friday-Sunday pickup. (Or check with me or text 407-342-8515 if you might want to pick up sooner or for special arrangements, I’m usually flexible.)
I may still be able to take orders after Thursday Morning but can’t guarantee availability of things as I may have already packed them for the Restaurants.
Ordering window is Monday Afternoon (or when I open it) through Thursday Morning and pick up will be Friday-Sunday by appointment until we expand more, Please indicate when you would like to pick up when you place your order.
Remember to tell me when you want to pick up! (and if I don’t reply to confirm within a day, bump my e-mail or text me 407-342-8515. Though I have cleaned up my e-mail so hopefully I won’t Miss Anyone.)
Sign in to order.
You have to sign in to see the add to cart button. Then set the number and click the add to cart button on the items you want to buy (it is the little picture right next to the quantity box.) Remember you need to check out before your order will be placed.
Remember to let me know when you want to pick up on Sat or maybe even Friday late afternoon or on Sunday. (If I don’t send you an e-mail confirmation of your order and pick up time, please make sure you checked out and completed your order.)
Champaign, OH: California Dreamin'
I’ve been for a walk…
On a winter’s day…
California dreamin’…
On such a winter’s day…
(Mama’s and the Papa’s)
Another cold, and snowy day…like, really cold!! The perfect morning to stay inside, spin some tunes, sip on a hot beverage, and to get those market orders in before 8am, for the weekly market pick up!!
Sending all the love, sun, and warming vibes to us all…
Cosmic Pam
Fayetteville Farmers' Market: ONLINE ORDERS STILL OPEN UNTIL 6 AM WED
BRRRR! Hope you are safe and warm.
Eggs and vegies were especially hard hit by the Arctic weather. But there are still some other good things available—apples, cider, meats, baked goods, salsa, hot sauce and more.
Order at:
You can still order until 6 am on Wed morning Jan 17. Drive by pickup at the library is Thursday Jan 18 from 4:30-5:30 pm.
WEATHER: if the forecast stays true— by Thursday we will have temps in the high 30s during pickup on Thursday so pickup should be normal UNLESS the library parking lot is not safe for driving. PLEASE check your email before you come to pickup on Thursday.
MISSING ITEMS: due to the weather we may have some growers who cannot deliver orders on Thursday. When this happens, we remove the items from your order and you are NOT charged for them.
If you ordered, we thank you!
Questions? Reply to this email or call/text 479-935-5111.
If you no longer want to order or receive emails about the online market, just scroll down to the very bottom of the email message and click on the blue unsubscribe link.